Renzo Caballero: Experiments in Robotic Self-Repair


Experiments in Robotic Self-Repair

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We observe an experiment for self-repair in robots that can fabricate their own parts. A challenge emerges when imperfections or degradations in the robot impact its ability to fabricate ideal components to guarantee self-repair. In the proposed experiment, we start with a defective or degraded component. We do not fabricate an ideal part initially, but only after a sequence of increasing-in-quality parts. We construct and validate two mathematical models to describe the experiment and match the observations. We observe convergence to the ideal part in all experiments and models, thus restoring the capability for self-repair to the robot.

Brief Biography

Renzo Caballero received an Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, in 2016, and an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science degree from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), KSA, in 2019. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at KAUST. His current research focuses on self-replicating robots, but he also is interested in microelectronic design, synthesis of 2D materials, and stochastic optimal control.
